Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus

My rejected (third) project was the infographic I created for COVID-19. My intentions for this project was to inform people on the novel Coronavirus. This virus has gone viral, and everyone is aware of it. However many are left misinformed about the virus so a detailed infographic would clear up any confusion. Ultimately, this failed because information gets updated everyday and there's no way to have accurate information on a still poster. In addition, I was running out of time, and had to prioritize my stronger projects.
Made sketches to visually understand how the spread of coronavirus works. Then sketched some ideas for the infographic.
Developing ideas. This would have been the framework for my infographic.
Then recreated the layout and went with a dark theme. The poster looked a bit intimidating and scary though. This is another reason why I may not have been as successful as my other projects. No one is going to read all of that information.