Kinetic Type Specimen Update

In Type II we created our own fonts and turned it into a type specimen (book) and a kinetic type specimen (animated video). My font was called brownie bit. The title has no relation to the font's appearance other than the fact that it is a 'bit' font. Bits are square and when cut, brownies are square so that's how I came up with the name. Very silly I know, but what can I say, I like food.
My type specimen took in the form of a cook book, and it was designed to be like a brownie bit recipe. Then in my kinetic type specimen, I simply had a hand with a plate collected brownies on it. This animation was done on Adobe After effects and I lacked skill using that program at the time, so the animation was very mediocre. Now that I'm more comfortable using the program I will not only remake the video, but turn it into an advertisement for a popular font website. (i.e.

My new type specimen

I constructed my font with actual brownies just to be extra ;)